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Frequently asked questions about visas
Yes, you can apply online for a visa. Using the online portal, you can upload your documents step by step and temporarily save these. Once you submit your documents, we will inform you whether these are complete. You can adjust and correct the documents online.
Afterwards, you can arrange an appointment with the German mission via the online portal. This will make your in-person appointment quick and efficient: You will present your original documents, provide your biometric data (fingerprints and photo) and pay the application fee.
No. The application must be submitted in person, as your fingerprints are taken during the application process.
The application must be completed in either German or English. Applications in any other language cannot be accepted.
The documents you need to submit depend on the purpose of your trip. Under point 4 we have put together leaflets for you in which the various travel purposes are listed. There is a list of documents that need to be submitted.
The processing time varies depending on the purpose of yourtrip. We therefore strongly advise you to apply for your visa well in advance. Details can be found in the relevant leaflet.
The embassy does not offer an express procedure for visa applications.
No, you will receive your passport back immediately after the personal interview at the counter. As soon as a positive decision has been made on your visa application, you will be contacted by the embassy and bring your valid passport with you when you collect your visa. You will then receive the visa on the same day.
You can find the most important information on how to open a blocked account on the website of the Foreign Ministry.
We have put together all important information on this topic in points 9 and 10.
The fee is a processing fee. In the event of a rejection, it is therefore not possible to give you a refund.
The Federal Foreign Office has answered this question in detail on its website.
On our website we have prepared appropriate leaflets for you under „A-Z Consular Service“ under „H“.
All tax and customs law questions are answered on the German custom's website.
Visa applicants can submit complaints about the behavior of consulate staff or the visa application process using the contact form. Please note that complaints can only be submitted in German or English; complaints in languages other than German or English cannot be looked into. Please mention one of the two following subjects in the „Subject“ field of the contact form:
• Complaint about the behavior of consulate staff
• Complaint about the visa application process
We will look into your complaint after we have received it.
Important note: The complaint contact form cannot be used to appeal against a decision to refuse, cancel or revoke a visa - i.e. in particular no remonstrations.
You can also send us an e-Mail